Day 1:
Time (PDT) | Event | Duration | ||
8:30 AM | Registration | 1 hour | ||
9:30 AM | Welcome and Keynote by Doug Lanman | 1 hour 15 minutes | ||
10:45 AM | Break | 15 minutes | ||
11:00 AM | Session 1: Augmenting Reality Session Chair: Krzysztof Wolski |
1 hour 30 minutes | ||
The Impact of Reflection Approximations on Visual Quality in Virtual Reality. Martin Mišiak, Arnulph Fuhrmann and Marc Erich Latoschik. |
20 minutes | |||
Perceiving Absolute Distance in Augmented Reality Displays with Realistic and Non-realistic Shadows. Bobby Bodenheimer, Haley Adams, Mirinda Whitaker, Jeanine Stefanucci and Sarah Creem-Regehr. |
20 minutes | |||
Calibrated passability perception in virtual reality transfers to augmented reality. Holly Gagnon, Jeanine Stefanucci, Sarah Creem-Regehr and Bobby Bodenheimer. |
25 minutes | |||
Perceptual Guidelines for Optimizing Field of View in Stereoscopic Augmented Reality Displays. Minqi Wang, Emily A. Cooper. |
25 minutes | |||
12:30 PM | Lunch Break | 1 hour 30 minutes | ||
2:00 PM | Session 2: Perceiving Agents Session Chair: Keigo Matsumoto |
60 minutes | ||
Effects of Body Type and Voice Pitch on Perceived Audio-Visual Correspondence and Believability of Virtual Characters. Luchcha Lam, Minsoo Choi, Magzhan Mukanova, Klay Hauser, Fangzheng Zhao, Richard Mayer, Christos Mousas and Nicoletta Adamo-Villani. |
20 minutes | |||
The Stare-in-the-Walking-Crowd-Effect, a Virtual Reality or a Myth? Pierre Raimbaud, Alberto Jovane, Katja Zibrek, Claudio Pacchierotti, Marc Christie, Ludovic Hoyet, Julien Pettre and Anne-Hélène Olivier. |
20 minutes | |||
Investigating the effect of visual realism on empathic responses to emotionally expressive virtual humans. Darragh Higgins, Yilin Zhan, Benjamin R. Cowan and Rachel McDonnell. |
20 minutes | |||
3:00 PM | Poster Fastforward | 15 minutes | ||
3:15 PM | Coffee and Posters | 30 minutes | ||
3:45 PM | Session 3: Moving and Doing Session Chair: Sarah Creem-Regehr |
1 hour 30 minutes | ||
Effect of Hanger Reflex on Detection Thresholds for Hand Redirection during Forearm Rotation. Kiyu Tanaka, Takuto Nakamura, Keigo Matsumoto and Hideaki Kuzuoka. |
20 minutes | |||
Foveated Walking: The Effects of Translational Ego-Movement on Foveated Rendering. David Petrescu, Paul Warren, Zahra Montazeri, Boris Otkhmezuri and Steve Pettifer. |
20 minutes | |||
Improving the Perception of Mid-Air Tactile Shapes With Spatio-Temporally-Modulated Tactile Pointers. Lendy Mulot, Thomas Howard, Claudio Pacchierotti and Maud Marchal. |
25 minutes | |||
Changes in Navigation Over Time: A Comparison of Teleportation and Joystick-based Locomotion. Moloud Nasiri, Kristopher Kohm, John Porter and Andrew Robb. |
25 minutes |
Day 2:
Time (PDT) | Event | Duration |
8:30 AM | SAP Steering Committee meeting | 1 hour |
9:30 AM | Welcome and Keynote by Ereo Simoncelli | 1 hour 15 minutes |
10:45 AM | Break | 15 miuntes |
11:00 AM | Session 4: Perceptual Machine Learning Session Chair: Qi Sun |
1 hour 15 minutes |
Internal Distraction Detection Utilizing EEG Data in an Educational VR Environment. Sarker Monojit Asish, Arun K. Kulshreshth and Christoph Borst |
20 minutes | |
On Human-like Biases in Deep Neural Networks for the Perception of Slant from Texture. Yuanhao Wang, Qian Zhang, Celine Aubuchon, Jovan Kemp, Fulvio Domini and James Tompkin. |
25 minutes | |
Learning GAN-based Foveated Reconstruction to Recover Perceptually Important Image Features. Luca Surace, Marek Wernikowski, Cara Tursun, Karol Myszkowski, Radosław Mantiuk, Piotr Didyk |
25 minutes | |
12:15 PM | Lunch Break | 1 hour 30 minutes |
1:45 PM | Session 5: Agency and Embodiment Session Chair: Funda Durupinar |
60 minutes |
Effect of Avatar Anthropomorphism on Bodily Awareness and Time Estimation in Virtual Reality. Sota Mizoguchi, Keigo Matsumoto, Takato Mizuho and Takuji Narumi. |
20 minutes | |
The Effect of Sense of Agency on Self-Efficacy Beliefs: A Virtual Reality Paradigm. Ala Alsaleh, Moritz Schubert and Dominik Endres. |
20 minutes | |
Effects of Virtual Co-embodiment on Declarative Memory-Based Motor Skill Learning. Haruto Takita, Yuji Hatada, Takuji Narumi and Michitaka Hirose. |
20 minutes | |
2:45 PM | Closing | 30 minutes |