The ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP) provides an intimate forum for researchers who combine knowledge, methods, and insights from perception research and computer science disciplines. This includes such disciplines as cognitive psychology, perceptual psychology, psychophysics, behavior-analysis, and neuroscience on the perceptual side and computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, virtual reality and human-computer interfaces on the visual computing side.
The interdisciplinary focus of this conference acknowledges that the various scientific disciplines in perception research and computer science research use different but complementary methods to address fundamentally similar questions. As such, combinations of knowledge, methods, and/or insights from the different fields can help to advance all of the applied perception fields.
ACM SAP welcomes original unpublished research related to all topics relevant to both perception and computer science. This research can be submitted as a long paper (up to 8 pages) or as a short paper (up to 4 pages). In all cases the page limit is EXCLUSIVE of the pages devoted to bibliographic references and appendices.
See the Information for Authors page for more details about how to prepare and submit your contributions.
Important Dates
- April 14th, Abstract submission deadline (required)
- April 17th, Paper bidding starts for reviewers
- April 21st, Paper submission deadline
- April 25th, Reviews assigned to reviewers
- May 11th, Discussion begins
- May 19th, Notification of paper decisions returned to authors
- May 28th, Camera-ready version for SAP papers due
- May 28th, Revised manuscripts for invited TAP papers due
- June 12th, Discussion begins for 2nd round of TAP papers
- June, 19th, Notification of 2nd round of TAP reviews
- June 27th, Camera-ready version for invited TAP papers due
Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) == GMT/UTC-12:00 on the stated day, no matter where the submitter is located. A convenient tool to see when AoE is for your local time is setting your location at 1 and Baker Island (which uses AoE) for:
Topics of Interest
SAP welcomes submissions related to topics relevant to both perception and computer science such as:
Application of perceptual research to any area of computer science, including but not limited to:
- modeling, rendering, animation;
- virtual environments, characters, avatars;
- processing information from artificial sensors;
- representation of data, communication of data, interaction with data.
Applications of computer science to any area of perception, including but not limited to:
- perceptually motivated algorithms (e.g. foveated rendering, image and video compression, tone mapping);
- perceptual topics in displays (luminance, contrast, depth perception, frame rate);
- modeling natural perceptual systems;
- simulating natural perceptual systems.
Emerging topics such as:
- animal perception, privacy and security;
- novel sensors;
- studies that combine perception and computing research toward applications to healthcare;
- deep space exploration;
- cultural and ecological preservation.