A note for paper presenters: If you are presenting a long paper (more than 4 pages), you have 20 minutes for your presentation and an additional 5 minutes for questions. If you are presenting a short paper, you have 15 minutes for your presentation and an additional 5 minutes for questions.
Session name
Friday August 8
Opening remarks
Friday August 8
Session 1: Faces & Emotions
Friday August 8
Miguel R Carretero, Adam Qureshi, and Christopher E Peters, "Evaluating the perception of group emotion from full body movements in the context of virtual crowds"
Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth J. Carter, Sara Kiesler, and Jessica Hodgins, "Assessing Naturalness and Emotional Intensity: A Perceptual Study of Animated Facial Motion"
Laura Trutoiu, Elizabeth Carter, Nancy Pollard, Jeffrey F Cohn, and Jessica Hodgins, "Spatial and Temporal Linearities in Posed and Spontaneous Smiles" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
Session Chair: Joe Geigel
Coffee break
Friday August 8
Keynote speaker
Friday August 8
Mel Slater is a keynote speaker for the Symposium on Applied Perception 2014.
Mel Slater - Biographical Sketch
Mel Slater is an ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona. He became Professor of Virtual Environments at University College London in 1997. He won a UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Senior Research Fellow from 1999 to 2004, and received over 1.5M euros of funding for his work on the virtual light field approach to computer graphics, and over 1.5M euro of funding for a virtual reality Cave system at UCL. Thirty of his PhD students have obtained their PhDs since 1989. In 2005 he was awarded the Virtual Reality Career Award by IEEE Virtual Reality ‘In Recognition of Seminal Achievements in Engineering Virtual Reality.’
He was the coordinator of the FP6 Integrated FET Project PRESENCCIA (www.presenccia.org). He is Coordinator of the EU 7th Framework Integrated Project VERE (www.vereproject.org), and scientific leader of the Integrated Project BEAMING (a href="http://www.beaming-eu.org">www.beaming-eu.org). He holds a European Research Council grant TRAVERSE (www.traverserc.org) and has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept (SERE). He is a PI in the first round of funding of the Human Brain Project. He was recently awarded the EuroVR and AFRV (Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle) prize for ‘The Best Promising Paper for Industry’ for a presention at 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference 11-13th December, 2013, Campus Paris Saclay, France.
He has contributed to the scientific study of virtual reality and also contributed to technical development of this field. He has contributed to the use of virtual reality in other fields, notably psychology (in relation to clinical psychology - studies of paranoia - and also social psychology) and the cognitive neuroscience of how the brain represents the body. His current publications can be seen on http://publicationslist.org/melslater.
He currently co-leads the EVENT Lab (Experimental Virtual Environments for Neuroscience and Technlogy) at the University of Barcelona which is a lab of about 30 researchers including computer scientists and psychologists, who specialise in the development and application of virtual reality in psychology and neuroscience. http://www.event-lab.org.
Friday August 8
Session 2: Motion & Haptics
Friday August 8
Chao Feng, Lyn Bartram, and Bernhard E. Riecke, "Evaluating Affective Features of 3D Motionscapes"
Ali Israr, Siyan Zhao, Kaitlyn Schwalje, Roberta Klatzky, and Jill Lehman, "Feel Effects: Enriching Storytelling with Haptic Feedback" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
Adrien Girard, Malika Auvray, and Mehdi Ammi, "Collaborative metaphor for haptic designation in complex 3D environments"
Session Chair: Ehud Sharlin
Session 3: 3D Display Technology
Friday August 8
Andrew Duchowski, Donald H. House, Jordan Gestring, Rui Wang, Krzysztof Krejtz, Izabela Krejtz,Radoslaw, and Mantiuk, Bartosz Bazyluk, "Reducing Visual Discomfort of 3D Stereoscopic Displays with Gaze-Contingent Depth-of-Field"
Alexandre Chapiro, Olga Diamanti, Steven Poulakos, Carol A. O'Sullivan, Aljoscha Smolic, and Markus Gross, "Perceptual Evaluation of Cardboarding in 3D Content Visualization" (short paper)
Lonnie Hastings and Bernhard E. Riecke, "The Influence of Shading, Display Size and Individual Differences on Navigation in Virtual Reality"
Session Chair: Sarah Creem-Regehr
Posters fast forward
Friday August 8
Coffee break & poster session
Friday August 8
Scott M. Andrus, Graham Gaylor, Mary K. Young, and Bobby Bodenheimer, "Distance Estimation in Virtual Environments Using Different HMDs"
Mahdi Azmandian, Mark Bolas, and Evan Suma, "Countering User Deviation During Redirected Walking"
Adria Fores, Mark D. Fairchild, and Ingeborg Tastl, "Perceptual Gloss Space BRDF Projection, Uniformity Validation, and Lightness Distance Metric"
Yoren Gaffary, Jean-Claude Martin, and Mehdi Ammi, "Perception of Congruent Facial and Haptic Expressions of Emotions"
Chunya Hua, Stephen Ellis, and J. Edward Swan II, "Calibration and Depth Matching Accuracy with a Table-Mounted Augmented Reality Haploscope"
Jacqueline D. Jordan, Mirjana Prpa, Daniel Feuereissen, and Bernhard E. Riecke, "Comparing the Effectiveness of Stereo Projection versus 3D TV in Inducing Self-Motion Illusions (Vection)"
Richard Paris, Randolph Blake, and Bobby Bodenheimer, "A Pilot Study on Binocular Rivalry and Motion Using Virtual Reality"
Amog Rajenderan, Srinivas Sridharan, and Reynold Bailey, "An Affective Movie Rating System"
Elena Shemetova and Bobby Bodenheimer, "Egocentric Distance Estimation on a Discontinuous Ground Surface in the Virtual Environment"
Sowmya Somanath, Ehud Sharlin, and Mario Costa Sousa, "‘Explorances’ or Why (Some) Physical Entities Help Us Be More Creative"
Matthew Thorne and Craig Kaplan, "Occlusion Aware Digital Colouring for Comics"
Shamima Yasmin and Sethuraman Panchanathan, "Haptic Mirror for Active Exploration for Facial Expressions by the Visually Impaired"
Steven Poulakos, Gerhard Roethlin, Adrian Schwaninger, Aljoscha Smolic, and Markus Gross, "Alternating attention in continuous stereoscopic depth"
Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael Hecher, and Michael Wimmer, "Gaze-To-Object Mapping During Visual Search in 3D Virtual Environments" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
Thomas Booth, Srinivas Sridharan, Vasudev Bethamcherla, and Reynold J Bailey, "Gaze3D: Framework for Gaze Analysis on 3D Reconstructed Scenes" (short paper)
Session Chair: William Thompson
Coffee break
Saturday August 9
Session 5: Realistic Rendering
Saturday August 9
Petr Kellnhofer, Tobias Ritschel, Peter Vangorp, Karol Myszkowski, and Hans-Peter Seidel, "Stereo day-for-night: disparity retargeting for scotopic vision" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
Peter Vangorp, Rafal Mantiuk, Bartosz Bazyluk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel, Radoslaw Mantiuk, and Simon Watt, "Depth from HDR: Depth Induction or Increased Realism?"
Mikio Shinya and Shin'ya Nishida, "Rendering fine hair-like objects with Gaussian noise" (short paper)
Session Chair: Greg Ward
Saturday August 9
Keynote speaker
Saturday August 9
Greg Ward is a keynote speaker for the Symposium on Applied Perception 2014.
Greg Ward - Biographical Sketch
Greg Ward has been involved in 3-D and 2-D computer graphics since
1985, and is the principal author of the widely referenced Radiance
lighting simulation and rendering system. His research includes global
illumination, reflectance models, high dynamic range image processing
and color perception. He has been employed by the Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, EPFL Switzerland, SGI,
Shutterfly, Exponent, and BrightSide Technologies.
Greg holds a bachelor's in Physics from
UC Berkeley and a master's in Computer Science from SF State University.
He is currently employed by Dolby Laboratories, Inc. and
consults for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Session 6: Virtual Environments
Saturday August 9
Mary K Young, Graham B Gaylor, Scott M Andrus, and Bobby Bodenheimer, "A Comparison of Two Cost-Differentiated Virtual Reality Systems for Perception and Action Tasks"
Bochao Li, Ruimin Zhang, and Scott A Kuhl, "Minification Affects Action-Based Distance Judgments in Oculus Rift HMDs" (short paper)
Srivishnu K Satyavolu, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Jeanine K Stefanucci, and William Thompson, "Pointing from a Third Person Avatar Location: Does Dynamic Feedback Help?" (short paper)
Timofey Grechkin and Bernhard E. Riecke,"Re-evaluating benefits of body-based rotational cues for maintaining orientation in VEs" (short paper)
Elham Ebrahimi, Bliss Altenhoff, Leah Hartman, Adam Jones, Sabarish V. Babu, Chris Pagano, Timothy Davis, "Effects of Visual and Proprioceptive Information on Depth Judgments in Closed-Loop Visuo-Motor Calibration during a Closed-Loop Physical Reach Task in Immersive Virtual Environments"
Session Chair: Andrew Duchowski
Coffee break
Saturday August 9
Session 7: Character Perception
Saturday August 9
Katja Zibrek and Rachel McDonnell, "Does render style affect perception of personality in virtual humans?" (short paper)
Gina Guerrero, Aline Normoyle, and Sophie Joerg, "Player perception of delays and jitter in character responsiveness"
Ivelina V. Piryankova, Jeanine K Stefanucci, Javier Romero, Stephan de la Rosa, Michael J. Black, and Betty Mohler, "Can I recognize my body's weight? The influence of shape and texture on the perception of self" (Accepted to TAP special issue)