
A note for paper presenters: If you are presenting a long paper (more than 4 pages), you have 20 minutes for your presentation and an additional 5 minutes for questions. If you are presenting a short paper, you have 15 minutes for your presentation and an additional 5 minutes for questions.

Session name Date Time
RegistrationFriday August 88:00-9:00
Opening remarksFriday August 89:00-9:10
Session 1: Faces & EmotionsFriday August 89:10-10:30
  • Miguel R Carretero, Adam Qureshi, and Christopher E Peters, "Evaluating the perception of group emotion from full body movements in the context of virtual crowds"
  • Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth J. Carter, Sara Kiesler, and Jessica Hodgins, "Assessing Naturalness and Emotional Intensity: A Perceptual Study of Animated Facial Motion"
  • Laura Trutoiu, Elizabeth Carter, Nancy Pollard, Jeffrey F Cohn, and Jessica Hodgins, "Spatial and Temporal Linearities in Posed and Spontaneous Smiles" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
Session Chair: Joe Geigel
Coffee breakFriday August 810:30-11:00
Keynote speakerFriday August 811:00-12:00
Mel Slater portrait

Mel Slater is a keynote speaker for the Symposium on Applied Perception 2014.

LunchFriday August 812:00-13:30
Session 2: Motion & HapticsFriday August 813:30-14:50
  • Chao Feng, Lyn Bartram, and Bernhard E. Riecke, "Evaluating Affective Features of 3D Motionscapes"
  • Ali Israr, Siyan Zhao, Kaitlyn Schwalje, Roberta Klatzky, and Jill Lehman, "Feel Effects: Enriching Storytelling with Haptic Feedback" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
  • Adrien Girard, Malika Auvray, and Mehdi Ammi, "Collaborative metaphor for haptic designation in complex 3D environments"
Session Chair: Ehud Sharlin
Session 3: 3D Display TechnologyFriday August 815:00-16:20
  • Andrew Duchowski, Donald H. House, Jordan Gestring, Rui Wang, Krzysztof Krejtz, Izabela Krejtz,Radoslaw, and Mantiuk, Bartosz Bazyluk, "Reducing Visual Discomfort of 3D Stereoscopic Displays with Gaze-Contingent Depth-of-Field"
  • Alexandre Chapiro, Olga Diamanti, Steven Poulakos, Carol A. O'Sullivan, Aljoscha Smolic, and Markus Gross, "Perceptual Evaluation of Cardboarding in 3D Content Visualization" (short paper)
  • Lonnie Hastings and Bernhard E. Riecke, "The Influence of Shading, Display Size and Individual Differences on Navigation in Virtual Reality"
Session Chair: Sarah Creem-Regehr
Posters fast forwardFriday August 816:30-17:00
Coffee break & poster sessionFriday August 817:00-18:30
  • Scott M. Andrus, Graham Gaylor, Mary K. Young, and Bobby Bodenheimer, "Distance Estimation in Virtual Environments Using Different HMDs"
  • Mahdi Azmandian, Mark Bolas, and Evan Suma, "Countering User Deviation During Redirected Walking"
  • Adria Fores, Mark D. Fairchild, and Ingeborg Tastl, "Perceptual Gloss Space BRDF Projection, Uniformity Validation, and Lightness Distance Metric"
  • Yoren Gaffary, Jean-Claude Martin, and Mehdi Ammi, "Perception of Congruent Facial and Haptic Expressions of Emotions"
  • Chunya Hua, Stephen Ellis, and J. Edward Swan II, "Calibration and Depth Matching Accuracy with a Table-Mounted Augmented Reality Haploscope"
  • Jacqueline D. Jordan, Mirjana Prpa, Daniel Feuereissen, and Bernhard E. Riecke, "Comparing the Effectiveness of Stereo Projection versus 3D TV in Inducing Self-Motion Illusions (Vection)"
  • Richard Paris, Randolph Blake, and Bobby Bodenheimer, "A Pilot Study on Binocular Rivalry and Motion Using Virtual Reality"
  • Amog Rajenderan, Srinivas Sridharan, and Reynold Bailey, "An Affective Movie Rating System"
  • Elena Shemetova and Bobby Bodenheimer, "Egocentric Distance Estimation on a Discontinuous Ground Surface in the Virtual Environment"
  • Sowmya Somanath, Ehud Sharlin, and Mario Costa Sousa, "‘Explorances’ or Why (Some) Physical Entities Help Us Be More Creative"
  • Matthew Thorne and Craig Kaplan, "Occlusion Aware Digital Colouring for Comics"
  • Shamima Yasmin and Sethuraman Panchanathan, "Haptic Mirror for Active Exploration for Facial Expressions by the Visually Impaired"
Social Event @ Railway ClubFriday August 8Starts at 19:30
Saturday August 9
RegistrationSaturday August 98:00-8:30
Session 4: Binocular Stereo & Eye TrackingSaturday August 98:30-10:00
  • Steven Poulakos, Gerhard Roethlin, Adrian Schwaninger, Aljoscha Smolic, and Markus Gross, "Alternating attention in continuous stereoscopic depth"
  • Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael Hecher, and Michael Wimmer, "Gaze-To-Object Mapping During Visual Search in 3D Virtual Environments" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
  • Thomas Booth, Srinivas Sridharan, Vasudev Bethamcherla, and Reynold J Bailey, "Gaze3D: Framework for Gaze Analysis on 3D Reconstructed Scenes" (short paper)
Session Chair: William Thompson
Coffee breakSaturday August 910:00-10:30
Session 5: Realistic RenderingSaturday August 910:30-11:50
  • Petr Kellnhofer, Tobias Ritschel, Peter Vangorp, Karol Myszkowski, and Hans-Peter Seidel, "Stereo day-for-night: disparity retargeting for scotopic vision" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
  • Peter Vangorp, Rafal Mantiuk, Bartosz Bazyluk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel, Radoslaw Mantiuk, and Simon Watt, "Depth from HDR: Depth Induction or Increased Realism?"
  • Mikio Shinya and Shin'ya Nishida, "Rendering fine hair-like objects with Gaussian noise" (short paper)
Session Chair: Greg Ward
LunchSaturday August 911:50-13:30
Keynote speakerSaturday August 913:30-14:15
Greg Ward portrait

Greg Ward is a keynote speaker for the Symposium on Applied Perception 2014.

Session 6: Virtual EnvironmentsSaturday August 914:15-16:15
  • Mary K Young, Graham B Gaylor, Scott M Andrus, and Bobby Bodenheimer, "A Comparison of Two Cost-Differentiated Virtual Reality Systems for Perception and Action Tasks"
  • Bochao Li, Ruimin Zhang, and Scott A Kuhl, "Minification Affects Action-Based Distance Judgments in Oculus Rift HMDs" (short paper)
  • Srivishnu K Satyavolu, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Jeanine K Stefanucci, and William Thompson, "Pointing from a Third Person Avatar Location: Does Dynamic Feedback Help?" (short paper)
  • Timofey Grechkin and Bernhard E. Riecke,"Re-evaluating benefits of body-based rotational cues for maintaining orientation in VEs" (short paper)
  • Elham Ebrahimi, Bliss Altenhoff, Leah Hartman, Adam Jones, Sabarish V. Babu, Chris Pagano, Timothy Davis, "Effects of Visual and Proprioceptive Information on Depth Judgments in Closed-Loop Visuo-Motor Calibration during a Closed-Loop Physical Reach Task in Immersive Virtual Environments"
Session Chair: Andrew Duchowski
Coffee breakSaturday August 916:15-16:45
Session 7: Character PerceptionSaturday August 916:45-18:00
  • Katja Zibrek and Rachel McDonnell, "Does render style affect perception of personality in virtual humans?" (short paper)
  • Gina Guerrero, Aline Normoyle, and Sophie Joerg, "Player perception of delays and jitter in character responsiveness"
  • Ivelina V. Piryankova, Jeanine K Stefanucci, Javier Romero, Stephan de la Rosa, Michael J. Black, and Betty Mohler, "Can I recognize my body's weight? The influence of shape and texture on the perception of self" (Accepted to TAP special issue)
Session Chair: Bobby Bodenheimer
Closing session and business meetingSaturday August 918:00-19:00