Recent updates
- September 7 Deadline for posters submission extended to September 9
- September 3 Registration is open
- September 1 Program available
- July 7 Call for posters
- July 6 Acceptance decision communicated to authors
- June 21 Keynotes announced: Samantha Wood & Michael Barnett-Cowan
- May 31 Paper assigment to IPC completed.
- May 27 The decision was made to have the conference online only.
We recognise that a virtual-only conference might lack some of the in-person features we know and love about SAP, but making arrangements despite the improvement in the situation might still be difficult.
After considering holding the conference in a hybrid format, the continuously-changing situation led us to decide that we will run the conference only
remotely. In this way, we hope to be able to leverage the positive aspects of remote attendance.
- May 5 Submission website is open
- May 1 Organization roles are filled
- March 15 Call for paper is published
- February 21 Conference website is up