SAP homepage

Welcome to the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception

(formerly known as APGV)

Since 2004, the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (ACM SAP), formerly known as APGV, aims to further the development of inter-disciplinary research that crosses the boundaries between perception and disciplines such as graphics, visualization, vision, haptics and acoustics. These fields can benefit from the exchange of ideas and the scope includes applications and algorithms in any area of research that incorporates elements of perception and computer science.

This year, SAP will be held in Trinity College Dublin. The symposium will be held just before the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), so do not hesitate to attend SAP on your way to ECVP. More information will be available soon.


Congratulations to both Aline Normoyle (University of Pennsylvania) and Katja Zibrek (Trinity College Dublin) for their best student presentation awards, as well as to Anna Wellerdiek (Max Plank Institute for Biological Cybernetics) for her best poster award.

Pre-Registration event: we are organising a pre-registration event on Wednesday evening for people who already arrived in Dublin. Feel free to join us between 8pm and 10pm in the Bank Pub, just outside Trinity's main entrance.

30/07/2013: you can now find the list of accepted papers and posters and the conference program in the program section.

IMPORTANT: the poster submission deadline has been extended to the 28th of June.

IMPORTANT: the paper submission deadline has been extended to the 8th of May, 23:59 UTC-12 (AoE: last timezone to be on the 8th of May).

19/04/2013: registration is now open. Early bird registration is available until the 12th of July.

11/03/2013: submissions to SAP 2013 are now open.

11/03/2013: check the travel page for information about travel and accommodation. We have special rates for the symposium but cannot hold on rooms so be sure to book your accommodation early.

06/02/2013: submission dates and review dates are now online, as well as the call for paper.


Location: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Dates: 22nd and 23rd of August 2013

Conference Chairs: Ludovic Hoyet (Trinity College Dublin), Betsy Williams Sanders (Rhodes College)

Program Chairs: Joe Geigel (Rochester Institute of Technology), Jeanine Stefanucci (University of Utah)

Poster Chair: Cathy Ennis (Universiteit Utrecht)

Management System

- Submission & Review
- Registration

Quick Facts

Paper submission
8 May 2013
Registration Open
Online registration up to 12th of August
22nd/23rd of August 2013
Trinity College, Dublin



Last modified: 30st of July 2013