Research in computer graphics and visualization has great potential to benefit from, and contribute to, research in perception.

Since 2004, this symposium has brought together researchers from the fields of perception, graphics and visualization, to facilitate a wider exchange of ideas. Our goals are to use insights from perception to advance the design of methods for visual, auditory and haptic representation, and to use computer graphics to enable perceptual research that would otherwise not be possible.

APGV 2010 will be co-located with SIGGRAPH this year. It will be hosted at the Marriot Los Angeles Downtown, one of SIGGRAPH's conference hotels.

To receive information and updates about APGV, you may subscribe to the APGV mailing list by sending an email to this address. To unsubscribe, send an email to this other address


12 June: Final program online!

23 May: Keynote speaker announced

21 May: Notification of paper acceptance

09 April 2010: papers deadline extended to 15 April

07 April 2010: submission open!

02 April 2010: venue announced

10 March 2010: IPC members posted

08 February 2010: Call For Papers posted

23 January 2010: important dates posted

30 December 2009: website goes live!


APGV 2010
APGV 2010

July 23-24



Los Angeles