Research in computer graphics and visualization has great potential to benefit from, and contribute to, research in perception. Since 2004, this symposium has brought together researchers from the fields of perception, graphics and visualization, to facilitate a wider exchange of ideas.

Submissions are invited in the broad range of areas at the intersection of computer graphics, visualization and perception to fulfill two goals of this multidisciplinary community.

Goal 1. Use insights from perception to advance the design of methods for visual, auditory and haptic representation. Specific examples include, but are not limited to:

Goal 2. Advance and facilitate novel basic perception and cognition research that uses and is relevant to applications in computer graphics and visualization. Here specific examples include, but are not limited to:

Proceedings, which will include the poster abstracts, will be published by ACM SIGGRAPH. Best papers from the symposium will be invited to be extended for a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Applied Perception.

By collocating APGV 08 with the thirty-fifth annual SIGGRAPH Conference (SIGGRAPH 08), we aim to further promote communication between the core perception and the core computer graphics communities, and also bring APGV back to the United States.

Submission deadline:

3. April, 2008 (Obligatory paper abstract pre-submission)

7. April, 2008 (papers)

12. May, 2008 (posters)

Date and location: 9.-10. August 2008, Los Angeles, CA, co-located with SIGGRAPH 2008

APGV conference call as .pdf poster.

More information can be found at


Conference Chairs

Bobby Bodenheimer, Vanderbilt University

Betty Mohler, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics

Program Chairs

Sarah Creem-Regehr, University of Utah

Karol Myszkowski, MPI for Informatics

Outreach Chair

Bernhard Riecke, MPI for Biological Cybernetics/Simon Fraser University

Call for Participation
APGV 2008

9th - 10th August



Los Angeles, California


Co-located with