Friday, July 28 |
1:30 PM |
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1:40 PM |
Opening remarks |
Virtual Environments I |
1:40 PM |
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2:05 PM |
The influence of feedback on
egocentric distance judgments in real and virtual environments |
Betty Mohler, Sarah H.
Creem-Regehr, William Thompson |
PM |
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2:30 PM |
Minification influences
spatial judgments in virtual environments |
Scott Kuhl, William
Thompson, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr |
PM |
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2:55 PM |
Updating Orientation in
Large Virtual Environments Using Scaled Translational Gain |
Betsy Williams, Gayathri
Narasimham, Thomas Carr, Timothy McNamara, John Rieser, Bobby Bodenheimer |
PM |
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3:15 PM |
Discrimination and
Estimation of Time-to-Contact for Approaching Traffic Using a Desktop
Environment |
Elizabeth Seward, Daniel
Ashmead, Bobby Bodenheimer |
3:15 PM |
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4:15 PM |
Break – Poster setup |
Visual perception |
4:15 PM |
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4:40 PM |
Categorization of natural
scenes: local vs. global information |
Julia Vogel, Adrian
Schwaninger, Christian Wallraven, Heinrich Bülthoff |
PM |
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5:00 PM |
Evaluation of
Supra-threshold Perceptual Metrics for 3D Models |
Ioan Cleju, Dietmar Saupe |
5:00 PM |
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7:00 PM |
Poster Session |
7:00 PM |
Reception |
Saturday, July 29 |
Virtual Environments II |
AM |
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9:05 AM |
Perception of 2D Image
Motion During Head Movement |
Li Li, Bernard Adelstein,
Stephen Ellis |
9:05 AM |
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9:30 AM |
A Comparison of Immersive
HMD, Fish Tank VR and Fish Tank with Haptics Displays for Visualization |
Wen Qi |
AM |
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9:50 AM |
Large Displays Enhance
Spatial Knowledge of a Virtual Environment |
Jonathan Bakdash, Jason
Augustyn, Dennis Proffitt |
9:50 AM |
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10:20 AM |
Break |
Color and Contrast |
AM |
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10:45 AM |
Color Perception of 3D
Objects: Constancy with Respect To Variation of Surface Gloss |
Bei Xiao, David Brainard |
AM |
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11:10 AM |
Contrast Enhancement of
Images Using Human Contrast Sensitivity |
Aditi Majumder, Sandy Irani |
Faces and gestures |
AM |
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11:35 AM |
Semantical 3D Motion
Retargeting for Facial Animation |
Cristobal Curio, Martin
Breidt, Mario Kleiner, Quoc Vuong, Martin Giese, Heinrich Bülthoff |
11:35 AM |
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12:00 PM |
The Evaluation of Stylized
Facial Expressions |
Christian Wallraven, Jan
Fischer, Douglas Cunningham, Dirk Bartz, Heinrich Bülthoff |
12:00 PM |
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1:45 PM |
Lunch |
Visualization I |
PM |
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2:10 PM |
Stevens Dot Patterns for 2D
Flow Visualization |
Laura Tateosian, Brent
Dennis, Christopher Healey |
PM |
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2:35 PM |
3D Contour Perception for
Flow Visualization |
Colin Ware |
2:35 PM |
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2:55 PM |
Motion Coding using Phase is
Best |
Colin Ware, Robert Bobrow |
PM |
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3:20 PM |
Enhancing Interactive
Particle Visualization with Advanced Shading Models |
Christiaan Gribble, Steven
Parker |
3:20 PM |
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4:00 PM |
Break |
Visualization II |
PM |
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4:25 PM |
Effects of 2D Geometric
Transformations on Visual Memory |
Heidi Lam, Ronald Rensink,
Tamara Munzner |
Realistic rendering |
PM |
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4:50 PM |
Verification of Rendering
Quality from Measured BTFs |
Jan Meseth, Gero Müller,
Reinhard Klein, Florian Röder, Michael Arnold |
4:50 PM |
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5:15 PM |
Efficient Selective
Rendering of Participating Media |
Oscar Anson, Veronica
Sundstedt, Diego Gutierrez, Alan Chalmers |
5:15 PM |
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6:15 PM |
Business Meeting |