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APGV06 HomepageImportant DatesCall for ParticipationFormatting Guidelines for SubmissionConference ProgramOrganizing Committees

Formatting Guidelines

All submissions should follow the SIGGRAPH formatting guidelines. Please follow the instructions for documents in category 2, 3 and/or 4. Submissions do not need to be anonymous.

Papers will be printed in black and white. There will be a small section for color plates at the end of the proceedings, limited to one color plate page per paper.

Poster abstracts should follow the formatting guidelines for papers, except that they should be 1 page long. Poster abstracts do not have color plates.

Useful files

Copyrights and Permissions

Authors of accepted submissions must fill out and send in this copyright form.

Authors of accepted submissions who wish to include any supplemental material with their accepted submission (video, images, source code, etc) must also complete and deliver this addendum.

Please be aware that if your content contains material copyrighted by someone else, you must obtain permission to use that material from the copyright holder. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, images, video clips, sounds, and articles published in other media. A good resource for proper and improper uses of images downloaded from the Web can be found here: www.infotoday.com/searcher/jan02/tomaiuolo.htm

More Information

Complete information about preparing submissions for SIGGRAPH-sponsored conferences is available at: http://www.siggraph.org/publications/instructions/


Poster size should not exceed approximately 60 inches x 40 inches (approximately 150 centimeters x 100 centimeters). Please set up your posters during the break on Friday afternoon.

Important: APGV posters presenters also have the chance to present their work at the SIGGRAPH poster session!

Please remove your posters from the APGV presentation room at the Sheraton on Saturday 29th August, and post them at SIGGRAPH on Sunday 30th. More information about SIGGRAPH poster presentations is available at http://www.siggraph.org/s2006/conference/posters/index.php

Conference Management System Quick Facts  


Last modified: 19 Jul 06