APGV06 Logo
APGV06 HomepageImportant DatesCall for ParticipationFormatting Guidelines for SubmissionConference ProgramOrganizing Committees

Welcome to APGV

Research in computer graphics and visualization has great potential to benefit from, and contribute to, research in perception.

Since 2004, this symposium has brought together researchers from the fields of perception, graphics and visualization, to facilitate a wider exchange of ideas. Our goals are to use insights from perception to advance the design of methods for visual, auditory and haptic representation, and to use computer graphics to enable perceptual research that would otherwise not be possible.


29 July 06: APGV 07 Announced

Location: Tübingen, Germany. Co-located with Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK)

Provisional Dates: 25-27 July 2007.

Conference Chairs: Christian Wallraven and Veronica Sundstedt

Program Chairs: Roland Fleming and Michael Langer

Conference Management System Quick Facts  


Last modified: 29 Jul 06